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Vaquita Conservation , Protection and Recovery

According a CNN news pulished today, Scientists estimate that there are fewer than 30 of vaquita poroise left in the wild , what's believed to be the most endangered marine mammal in the world.  So Vaquita CPR, which stands for conservation, protection and recovery is using this sea pen to try to capture the vaquita porpoises and then move them to captivity. Vaquita CPR Plans to continue this operation for another couple of weeks in the hopes of capturing the animals breeding them in captivity and eventually releasing them back into the wild.

vaquita nurse watches

Vaquita Conservation, Protection and Recovery .

We Noxtime , offers this vaquita nurse watches, reminding people to protect the ocean, the marine animals which endangered. 


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Contact: Ms Mandy Huang

Phone: 0086-18950091747

Tel: 0086-592-5969961

Add: 2-202 Qian Pu Er Li , Siming District,Xiamen,China

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